ROPA Method

What is the ROPA Method?
The ROPA Method (Reception of Oocytes from Partner) is an Assisted Reproduction technique that allows both partners to be involved in the conception of their baby. One partner provides the egg (biological mother), while the other carries the pregnancy (gestational mother).
The ROPA method requires In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in which both partners participate as follows:

1. Ovarian stimulation
We start ovarian stimulation in one partner to grow the eggs to the appropriate size.

2. Endometrial preparation
At the same time, we prepare the endometrium in the other partner.

3. Egg retrieval
Once the eggs are the appropriate size, we perform ovarian puncture to retrieve the eggs.

4. IVF
In the IVF lab, we fertilize the eggs with donor sperm to create the embryos.

5. Embryo transfer
After 6 days of development, we transfer the embryos to the gestational partner.

6. Pregnancy test
Two weeks later, we perform a pregnancy test.