Low Complexity Treatments

Techniques such as Intrauterine Insemination and Ovarian Stimulation are ideal for medical cases with slight reproductive health issues.

How Are High and Low Complexity Treatments Differentiated?

In Assisted Reproduction, treatments are divided into two types: High and Low Complexity.

Low-complexity treatments are simpler procedures that achieve the union of the egg and sperm inside the body and can be performed as outpatient procedures, such as Artificial Insemination, and hormonal stimulation may also be carried out in the comfort of your home

How do you know which Assisted Reproduction technique is best for you?

The main thing is to consult a fertility expert as soon as you realize you have not been able to conceive.

During your consultation, we will perform:
  • A detailed clinical history of your fertility.
  • Evaluation by a fertility specialist.
  • An ultrasound to assess the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
  • A direct sperm analysis (EBD/seminogram).
  • Recommendations for supplementation.

      Learn more about Low Complexity treatments

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